Thank you very much for your prayers, time, talents, and treasures!
As of December 1, 2022 we will limit donations up to 5 of the following items in any combination:
Medium size box (23in x 16in x 12in)
13 -gallon kitchen bags
Large items (lamps, picture frames, or luggage)
We gratefully accept clean, quality donations during business hours. Items always in high demand:
- Household items & housewares
- Jewelry
- Gently used clothing/accessories from infant to adult, men, and women
- Purses
- Christian items
- Glassware
- Sports memorabilia
- Small electronics (radios, clocks)
- Video game systems
- DVD’s & CD’s
- Games & puzzles
- Seasonal decorations (please drop off at appropriate times of the year, i.e., three to four months prior to the holiday for which you have items. Please note that due to space we cannot accept Christmas trees.)
We cannot accept large appliances, furniture, mattresses, bed pillows, medical equipment, household chemicals including paints/stains, sporting goods/exercise equipment, TV’s, computers/any computer parts, printers/copiers/fax machines/typewriters, VCR tapes, anything inflatable, used car seats/booster seats or any damaged/broken items